Implementatinon W.46

The Moving Targets game has been significantly modified and integrated with EDAiDER’s wellbeing product. The game’s core code was changed to work with EDAiDER’s features, resulting in the inclusion of dynamic object planes that can be translated into multiple languages and making the game more interactive and customizable. The integration with EDAiDER may have also added new features or functionality to the game. The game is being used as a gamification feature within EDAiDER’s wellbeing application to help students track and improve their wellbeing through weekly surveys. EDAiDER has expressed interest in incorporating gamification elements into their memory game and we will work to further develop and innovate the game to better align it with their wellbeing product. We are also in the process of implementing changes to the dashboard of the wellbeing product to align with EDAiDER’s vision and better support the desired target audience and functionality.

Moving Targets

The Moving Targets game has undergone significant changes in order to be integrated with EDAiDER’s wellbeing product. The core code of the game was modified to work with the features provided by EDAiDER, resulting in the inclusion of dynamic object planes that can be translated into multiple languages. This has made the game more interactive and customizable for users. The integration with EDAiDER have also added new features and functionality to the game. The game is being used in conjunction with EDAiDER’s wellbeing product to support users’ wellbeing by leveraging the resources and tools provided by EDAiDER.

The game is being utilized as a gamification feature within EDAiDER’s wellbeing application to help students track and improve their mental and emotional health. Through weekly surveys, EDAiDER can monitor their wellbeing and identify any trends or patterns over time. The game is designed specifically for students in grades four through the final year of high school, offering support and resources to help them navigate a healthy education and providing. The game includes various features and activities that make the survey process more engaging and rewarding for students, helping them to stay motivated and committed to improving their wellbeing.


EDAiDER has expressed interest in incorporating gamification elements with our previously mentioned memory game that can align with their wellbeing product. In response to this interest, we will begin to further develop and innovate the memory game in order to better integrate it with EDAiDER’s structure and offerings. This involves making updates to the game’s mechanics, features, or overall design in order to better support the desirered gamification features desired from EDAiDERS team. The updated memory game will include new elements and activities that make it more engaging and rewarding for users, helping them to stay motivated and committed to improving their wellbeing.


From presenting the initial concept for the revised dashboard of the wellbeing product, we are now in the process of implementing the changes that will align with EDAiDER’s vision. This involves making updates to the layout, design, and functionality of the dashboard in order to better match with the desired target audiance and have the desiried funtionality that they desire.